La Safor

With fauna and flora typical of coastal habitats, and rich in endemic species.

How to arrive
Cordon located on the seafront of the towns of: Tavernes de la Valldigna, Xeraco, Xeresa, Daimús, Guardamar, Bellreguard, Piles and Oliva.

This SCI (“Site of Community Importance”) has the purpose of collecting all the remains of cordons formed by the dunes that are still preserved on the beaches of La Safor. In these 69 hectares, the maritime and terrestrial public domain is restricted. This SCI is made up of fixed dunes, Crucinallion maritimae, embryonic dunes, dunes with Malcolmietalia grass, mobile dunes with Ammophilia, dunes with Cisto-Lavanduletea vegetation…

As normal, this SCI shows fauna and flora typical of coastal habitats.