La Safor

This village bathed by the river Serpis, is surrounded by orange trees and the essence of the March family.

How to arrive
Per la carretera CV-680 que ve de Gandia, al nord, passant per Almoines. També creua el municipi l’autopista AP-7 a escassa distància del nucli, tot i que l’accés més pròxim està a Oliva. Antigament el tren Alcoi-Gandia comptava amb una estació a Beniarjó.
Les Festes Majors en honor del Crist, la Mare de Déu dels Dolors i els Sants Doctors, se celebren durant la tercera setmana de setembre.

These lands had an important role in the life of the greatest Valencian poet of the XVth century, Ausiàs March. Today we can still find vestiges of what was the palace house of this family, as well as the March ditch that still supplies water to the irrigable land of the population.

The Poetry Prize “El Senyoriu d’Ausiàs March” has been celebrated since the 80s in Beniarjó. The prestige of this award has been progressively increasing to become one of the most prestigious distinctions of the Valencian Letters. In fact, important personalities such as Vicent Andreu Estellés have been part of the jury.

The event is part of the patron festivals dedicated to Sant Marc, where there is also el ball de la Bandera (the flag dance), a very special cultural event.

Gentilici: Beniarjotera, beniarjotero